
Thank you 8TV Malaysia and the host Owen Yap for featuring us in the TV program “So Young So Good”, we are more than happy to share all the happiness and sweetness with every one of you who are along with us. Let's watch together on Youtube🍍🍹📺 非常感谢 8TV八度空间电视台 和 叶剑锋主播 带着新节目“在地YoungYoung好”来到麻坡采访我们,很开心能和更多人分享我们的甜蜜果实和故事🍍 欢迎一起打开Youtube收看。🍍🍹📺 Video link on Youtube: 👉 https://www.fruitfirst.com.my/pages/featured-on-8tv-fruit-first

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